Body Sculpting Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Fun Sculpting?

    The Fun Sculpting System a fat removal and fat transfer system. It is different from other fat removal technologies in that it does NOT heat, burn, rip, freeze, or tear the fat, underlying blood vessels, nerve endings, or fascia. The system utilizes dull-tip cannulas and infrasonic vibration to create a harmonic wave that gently, safely, and quickly dislodges the fat cells while keeping the connected tissue, nerves, and vascular bundles intact. 

    The Fun Sculpting technology helps create a pain-free procedure without the need for sedation or narcotics. It also stimulates collagen production in the treated area for up to six months after treatment, which aids in skin tightening and improves the smoothness of results.

  • I Heard Liposuction is Dangerous. Is the Procedure Safe?

    As an FDA-approved device and procedure, all complications from Fun Sculpting must be reported to the FDA. To date, there has NEVER been a death, skin necrosis, or embolism from Fun Sculpting. Sadly, one of these serious complications occurs in 10% of all traditional liposuction procedures.

  • What Areas of the Body Can Be Treated?

    Almost every area can be safely treated, including abs, flanks, inner/outer thighs, calves, arms, backs, necks, and chins. The system is also routinely used to reduce both male and female breasts.

  • Are There Any Patients That Cannot Have Fun Sculpting?

    A health history will be taken and discussed, but very few people cannot have the procedure. Only a couple groups can NOT have Fun Sculpting – pregnant women and patients with significant cardiovascular disease. 

    Individuals on blood thinners as well as those who drink alcohol regularly, should be considered carefully and may need to have blood work or approval from their primary care physician prior to having the procedure.

  • How Long Will I Have to Be Off Work & What Restrictions Will I Have?

    Most patients feel well enough to return to work within 24-48 hours (depending on the nature of their job). You should not do any strenuous activity/exercise or lifting more than 10 lbs. for 7 days but it is recommended to walk a mile or 2 in the first 2 days to assist with lymphatic drainage. 

    You can slowly resume activities as tolerated after 7 days. You also should not smoke or consume alcohol for 7 days as it can affect healing.

  • Is Fun Sculpting Painful?

    Most patients experience very little pain and describe recovery compared to the soreness felt after a moderate workout. No post-procedure narcotics are given. 

    Postoperatively, patients report sufficient comfort levels with simple Tylenol and can use it as necessary. Advil (ibuprofen) should not be taken for at least 7 days after the procedure.

  • What Can I Expect?

    Before the procedure:

    On the day of the procedure, your provider can offer you up to 1 mg of Ativan if needed for anxiety. Otherwise, a trained Nurse Practitioner performs the procedure in the office with only local anesthesia. The lack of intravenous sedation reduces operative time by 40% over traditional liposuction and laser-assisted procedures.

    During the procedure:

    You will be awake the entire time. You can sleep, read, listen to music, play games on your phone, etc. (although no pictures or videos will be allowed during the procedure). You will feel some gentle pressure and vibration but not pain.

    After the procedure:

    Immediately following your procedure, you will be able to look at your results (keep in mind there is a great deal of fluid used during the procedure, so there will be some swelling initially). You will then be dressed in a compression garment. This garment MUST be worn 24/7 for 2 weeks and then 12 hours a day for 2 weeks. This is VITAL in healing and optimizing results!

    Since no general anesthesia is used, you can walk out on your own right after your procedure, but you should have a driver to take you home (especially if you take Ativan before the procedure). You will be tired and should rest a few hours after getting home. Later that day, you should take a shower and a walk (1-2 miles are suggested) to help with drainage. Most patients feel tender and sore in the treated area as if they had worked out extensively, but this discomfort resolves within a few days after the procedure. Entry points are 3mm punch sites that close naturally in 24 hours. They will be covered in Band-Aids and do not require sutures.

  • How Long Before I See Results?

    You will see some results immediately after the procedure. Tightening of the procedure area continues over the next 30 days, with about 60% of results being visible within 2 weeks. Skin tightening is natural and permanent (with weight maintenance). In contrast, heat-induced skin tightening lasts less than a year.

    Some areas will not tighten as much as others (simply due to gravity – such as arms). Also, if large volumes of fat are removed, the skin cannot fully retract but will tighten considerably. Clients must wear compression garments as directed to ensure optimal skin tightening. Irregularities in the skin present before the procedure (such as stretch marks or dimpling) will not necessarily be removed through the procedure, but you will see a generalized improvement in the contour of the treated area.

  • Does the Fat Come Back?

    No, after your Fun Sculpting treatment, the fat cells will never regenerate in the treated area as they are literally no longer in your body. With weight maintenance, fat removal and skin tightening is permanent. Also, unlike other fat removal procedures, you will not have to have repeated treatments on the same area.

  • Why is Fun Sculpting Better Than Other “Fat Removal” Procedures?

    • Shorter treatment times (up to 40% faster than other procedures)
    • Increased patient safety
    • Less patient downtime
    • Less bruising and swelling
    • No burning or scarring of skin since no heat is generated
    • Smoother, more beautiful results
    • No general anesthesia is needed
    • Vibration stimulated pain control during the procedure
    • All skin types can be treated
    • Natural skin retraction and tightening
    • More cost-effective than Cool Sculpting or Liposuction
    • No need for multiple procedures
    • No sutures
  • What Else Can Fun Sculpting Do? Can it Do Breast or Butt Implants?

    YES! The Fun Sculpting System is the safest, fastest, and most efficient method of fat transfer. The system not only has the highest cell viability, but it is also a closed-loop system. This means that the fat literally never leaves the canister!

    Other modalities spin the fat (because it is loaded with blood from their procedure) which further damages the cells. The fat is then manually transferred and drawn up in syringes, exposing it to air and possible contamination. Then a needle is then attached to the syringe and the fat is blindly injected into the patient via a ratchet gun. Not only is cell viability compromised, but the resorption and dispersion of the fat is uneven. This leads to poor results and the risk of injecting fat into a vein or artery; inducing a fat embolism which could kill the patient. (This is a fact – not a marketing ploy.)

    So, how is Fun Sculpting different? Simple! The machine was literally made with fat transfer as a possible function. We literally change the cannula, reverse the pump, and infuse the fat back into the patient using the same vibration technology. Cell viability for Fun Sculpting is 90% as opposed to less than 50% with other technologies. The fat is so pure that the FDA has approved Fun Sculpting to use it to harvest stem cells! This amazing technology offers patients who seek breast or butt augmentations a natural alternative to traditional surgical silicone or saline implants.

Why wait any longer? Request an appointment at 740-407-6331.

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